Coloured signs for cultivation:
tolerate frost if couvered,
absolutely hardy

Prices in €,  size of  plants: 
1y = 1 year out of flask,  2y = 2 year out of flask ,
  F = Flowersize

bardolphianum 2 leaf species with uncommon flowers Cl F   35,-
calceolus common calceolus Cc F   30,-
debile bifoliate, dark red flowers with white Cd F   30,-
fargesii bifoliate, flowers with white hairs Cl F   55,-
farreri nice striped blossom Cc F 150,-
foresterii uncommon species Cl F   45,-
fasciolatum very large flowes Cc F   60,-
franchetii red flowers Cc F   45,-
guttatum fine red spotted clone Cc F   30,-
henryi multiflowering Cc F   30,-
japonicum well coloured type Cl F   25,-
kentuckiense selected very large petaled clone Ck F  50,-
kentuckiense x calceolus 'Dietrich' Cc 2y 15,-
lentiginosum colourful species Cl F  50,-
lichiangense colourful species Cl F  50,-
luteum common type of luteum Cc 2y  8,-
macranthum alba pure white flowers Cc F  50,-
micranthum interesting bifoliate species Cc F  40,-
palangshaense red-brown flowers Cd F  35,-
parviflorum x segawai 'Chauncy' Cc 2y 15,-
parviflorum var mokassin vanilla scenting Cr F  40,-
plectrochilum uncommon shaped flower Cl F  35,-
reginae albolabium pure white flowers Cr 4y  60,-
reginae red selected red type of reginae Cr 2y  8,-
         x kentuckiense large flowers Cr 2y  8,-
         x luteum = Ulla, amazing colour Cr 3y  25,-
smithii very dark flowers Cc F  50,-
tibeticum large dark flowers Cc F  40,-
ventricosum large plants Cc F  45,-
yunnanense red flowers Cl F  45,-

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Cc: ( Cypripedium calceolus and related species in cultivation )
Plants grow in cool climate in open woodland conditions: semishade and always slightly moist conditions.Compost should never dry out. Good drainage is important. Compost: 3 parts pumice gravel with some perlite and Seramis, 1 part limestone, some clay gravels, small amounts ( 5% ) of organic additives such as cocos fibres.

Cd: ( Cypripedium debile )
As Cl but with only 5 % limestone 

Ck: ( Cypripedium kentuckiense and californicum )
general rules as for other Cypripediums but compost : coarse river sand with 5% limestone and 5% cocos fibers. Both species like more water than most other Cyps and prefer stronger fertilization.

Cl: ( Cypripedium margaretaceum, daliense and other bifoliate Cyps )
rules as with other Cyps but these group is more sensitive to moisture in wintertime. You have to cover plants against to much rain but don’t let dry out compost. This should be same as Cc but instead clay gravels 10 % of Akadama  a ( clay relative in Bonsai culture ) is more suitable. A exellent drainage is important and plants are growing more shady.

Cr: ( Cypripedium reginae and related plants )
More sun as other Cypripediums and more moist conditions. Roots are very close to surface. Soil  should be always moist. Compost as for Cc but with 10% limestone .

T: ( Calopogon, Cypripedium acaule, Liparis, Calochilus )
Plants are growing in spagnum bogs. Best way is to cultivate them in living spaghnum in a artifical bog. Calochilus tubers should be dry during rest period and may not be hardy