Pterostylis, Satyrium, Serapias, Stenoglottis, Thelymitra, Tipularia

  key for cultivation end of page
  links to pictures sublined


Coloured signs for cultivation:
absolutely hardy, tolerate frost if couvered,
no frost

Prices in €,  size of  plants: 
1y = 1 year out of flask,  2y = 2 year out of flask ,
  F = Flowersize




princeps      pink-red flowers O 1y 8,-
pumilum   O 1y 8,-


cordigera brown-red flowers O 1y 5,-


cernua     1y 5,-
spiralis     1y 5,-


fimbriata     pink flowers O 1y 6,-


crinita blue Th 1y 8,-
macrophylla blue Th 1y 8,-
cyanea blue Th 1y 8,-
aff macrophylla blue Th 1y 8,-
luteochilum   Th 1y 8,-
benthamiana   Th 1y 8,-
sp.   Th 1y 8,-

Zeuxine sold out

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O: ( Orchis, Ophrys, Barlia, Serapias )
 Plants are growing in dry calcareous meadows and need much sun. During vegetative period they like slightly moist conditions but with exellent drainage. In rest period they need dry condition to prevent rot. Compost : 3 parts pumice gravel, 0,5 parts gritty clay, 0,5 parts perlite, 1 part cocosfibres, 1 part limestone. 

Pe: ( Aminostigma, Poenorchis, Hemipilia )
Asian generas related to Orchis, growing in meadows or between rocks. Plants maybe hardy but winter in natural habitat is much drier than in Europe. Best way is to hold tubers dry and cool in special room during wintertime. Compost  as O but maybe without limestone. 

T: ( Calopogon, Cypripedium acaule, Liparis, Calochilus )
Plants are growing in spagnum bogs. Best way is to cultivate them in living spaghnum in a artifical bog. Calochilus tubers should be dry during rest period and may not be hardy. 

Th: ( Thelymitra, Diuris )
Generally as Caladenia but compost with few gritty clay and you don’t need acid conditions. A well drainaged sandy mix is acceptable. They need very much sun and Thelymitra flowers are only open over 23°C in sun. 

Tp: ( Pterostylus )
As Th but this plants growing in semishade. 

W: ( Cynorkis, Disperis, Stenoglottis )
Plants are growing in nature often in coniferous forests in eastern Africa. They like shady conditions and a dry  rest period. Compost. Pumice gravels with pine needles and some cocosnut fibers. 

Fertilization: During vegetative period all plants in pot culture should be fertilized with around 10% of a common fertilizer but never in rest period. 

There’s no general rule with temperature. For all this orchids 20° C is well during vegetative period but less or more is no problem. But they hate all hot and humid conditions with low air movement.